I haven't really ever taken the time to listen to one of Hitler's speeches, especially since I've started to kind of understand at least the flow of the language if not the exact meaning yet (but the link at the end of this post has subtitles). Hitler was a REALLY powerful speaker. Crazy, but moving in a creepy sort of way.
Thoughts on this speech:
"For all time to come the Party will be the source of political leadership for the German people. It will in its teaching and was ultimately in its organization hard as steel, malleable in its tactics and adaptable in its entirety: yet it will be a training school like a holy order for political leaders. It must be shown, however, that all upstanding German become National Socialists. Only the best National Socialists, however, are Party Comrades!" (5:00)
language of religion - struggle, martyrdom, battle.
a type of religious fervor in his voice - like a revivalist preacher or something.
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