Well, the thesis is coming along. I have an intro, a first chapter, and a short second chapter that has yet to receive critique from my advisor. I had somewhat of a breakthrough on the paper's argument a few nights ago that turned into a huge breakthrough last night. Tonight I further clarified the breakthrough, to the point where I think it is time to begin work on the third chapter. So far I have a chapter on the regime's relationship to religion, a chapter on the people's reception of Nazism in the early years of the regime, and now I am beginning a chapter on the symbols and rituals present at the rallies. I have to decide fairly quickly where I want to take the paper - whether I want to continue with the comparison of 1934 and 1935 like originally planned or move toward strengthening my position that I feel I am somewhat pioneering with respect to political religion and Hitler's relationship to Christianity. I will probably try to see if a comparison of 1934 and 1935 will more fully allow me to explore changes in the regime with respect to political religion and Nazi leaders' relationship to Christianity.
All of that to say this:
Once my rough draft is completed (by mid-March hopefully) I will be looking for people to read it (~80 pages) and give me feedback. If you are curious as to what I have been working on and would like to have a part in its successful completion, this is for you. :) I'm not looking for anything crazy - even if you just read for typos I'm happy. Mostly, though, I need people with little or no exposure to this specific topic to read it and let me know if it makes sense. So, if you're slightly crazy, would you mind commenting here or letting me know in some other way that you're interested? I'm not quite willing to ask specific people, as I know 80 pages of dry history and theory could be somewhat annoying to read. But, let me know if you're interested, and I will be sure to email you a copy once it is done.
Thanks so much!